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Pastor Kyle's Devotion

I played baseball from pee-wee league all the way through to American Legion baseball in my high school years.  To be sure, I was no major league caliber player.  Most certainly, I was not a super strong hitter and certainly not a home run threat. However, one day we were playing a game on a day when the wind was blowing out of left-field about one hundred miles per hour.  That day I stepped into the box and lifted a pitch high into the air.  After making contact with the ball I took off toward fist not knowing the outcome of my hit.  Much to my surprise that high fly ball, which was probably not much more than a routine fly out to left-field, somehow got up in the jet stream and the wind blew the ball over the left-field fence.  The wind that day moved the baseball in a way I could not.  That was the only home run I ever remember hitting and I promise you the wind was a huge factor.  When you think of Christmas how does God’s story move you?  Just as that baseball was carried along, how does the Christmas story carry you along?  Let me encourage you to consider the Christmas story as the greatest act of mercy ever shown.  Mary the mother of Jesus rejoiced over the gift of Jesus Christ.  As a result we have Mary’s song found in Luke 1:46-55.  Mary explains in Luke 1:50, “And His mercy is upon generation after generation toward those who fear Him.”  Mercy is something given by God regardless of merit or worthiness.  That’s what makes mercy so special, it is free.  In Hebrews 8:12 we find direct application of the mercy of God.  The verse explains, “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.”  The mercy of God is exercised by forgiving sin.  In Christ we find relief from a guilty conscience.  When you think of Christmas this year, I hope that great story of God moves you along to a place where your burdens are relieved as you enjoy the mercy of God.  Merry Christmas!



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