Pastor Kyle's Devotion

John 19:16-17a, “So he delivered Him over to them to be crucified. So they took Jesus, and He went out, bearing His own cross.”
There is an inherent need in every person to feel valued and have a positive assessment of self-image. However, not everyone feels good about themselves. There are many who struggle with having a positive self-imagine and as a result struggle with feelings of great insecurity. There are a number of reasons why a person could have this struggle. John Stott wrote, “A low self-image is comparatively common today. Many people have crippling inferiority feelings. Sometimes their origin is in a deprived childhood, sometimes in a more recent tragedy of being unwanted and unloved. The pressure of a competitive society make matters worse. And other modern influence make them worse still.” I would add that the presence of social media exacerbates this problem even more. Many live to impress and gain a following on social media. There is a constant push to publish the latest and greatest experience so people will comment or like the post. Furthermore, people view their friends content and feel less than because they can’t keep up. This struggle essentially turns people against their own self. Satan would love nothing more than for a person to turn on themselves through self-hatred and pity. Those who struggle with this sort of emotional disposition experience personal pain and hurt in unimaginable ways. Everyone is searching for value and significance that leads us out of these experiences of great emotional distress. I want to encourage you to look to the cross where Jesus died. There you will find that the cross is the foundation for personal value and positive self-image. Jesus died on the cross for you. The greatest sacrifice the world has ever known. The greatest act of love ever expressed and it was all for you. You are loved and valued by Jesus. You are loved no matter your past hurt or present struggles with the acceptance of others. I hope today you can understand the depth of value placed on your soul through the cross of Christ.