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Kingdom Citizenship

Our lives are filled with many trivial matters. We have a number of decisions we make everyday that have very little consequence. We have to decide where and what we will eat for lunch, what to get at the store and what outfit to wear. However, in a world of triviality there is one matter that stands out as more important than anything else. In Mark 10:15, Jesus addresses this particular matter when He says, “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God. To be sure, the Kingdom of God is no trivial matter. The importance of the Kingdom of God is emphasized by the reality that some will enter and some will not. We are taught to pray for God’s Kingdom to come. Furthermore, we are taught to seek first His Kingdom. But, the only way we can become part of God’s Kingdom is by being rescued from the domain of darkness. The Bible says in Colossians 1:13, “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of his beloved Son.” Jesus is able to rescue us from the domain of darkness where sin reigns. He is able to transfer us to the Kingdom of God where we can be citizens of God’s heavenly Kingdom. Jesus explains that we must receive this Kingdom like a child or we will have no part in it. When we look at the Colossians passage and the Mark passage it seems there is the rescue work of Christ and response from man where we receive the Kingdom of God. Jesus used a child to teach about how we should receive the Kingdom of God. Children had essentially no significance in the first century. They were not respected at all. Yet, Jesus uses them to make His point. Jesus teaches us that it is the insignificant poor in spirit who know their need of Him who are special recipients of God’s Kingdom. I hope you are part of God’s Kingdom. If not, seek Jesus like a child He alone can rescue you from the domain of darkness and transfer you to the Kingdom of His beloved Son.



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