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First Place In Everything

Colossians 1:18, “He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.”

Perhaps you find it hard to balance life with all its demands and pressures. I am fairly certain that my wife and I are not alone

in this struggle. There are a million things that vie for our resources and time that seek to capture our attention. Each of these things seem to compete for first place in our lives. I am thankful that God in all his power can cut through the busyness of our lives to bring clarity, direction, and focus. He has a better plan. Rather than having a life ruled by clutter God gives us a better approach. He calls us to have a Christ centered life.

This kind of life requires the ability to do two unique and difficult tasks. First, you must have discernment regarding God’s desire and will for your life. Secondly, you must possess the ability to say “yes” to some things and “no” to others. This whole process is difficult I must admit. A busy life means we have said yes to a lot of things. Maybe, just maybe, we need to learn to say no to some things. Do you really need to make that purchase? Do you really need to take that trip? Do you really need to volunteer for your twentieth extra curricular project? Does your child really need to play on three basketball teams while playing baseball and football and speed skating on the off nights? Does your child need to participate in everything going on to make sure they “keep up” so they don’t get “left behind?” Fear motivates a lot of what we do. Often times I think we make statements like this, “Well we better do this or that or I am afraid that little Johnny might not get a chance.” It is never good to do things because we are afraid. We must learn to say “yes” and say “no.”

Let me encourage you to get back to the basics. Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead so that He could occupy first place in your life. Perhaps this notion is discouraging or too religious sounding. However, do not misunderstand what it is to walk with Jesus as He occupies first place in your life. Please do not miss the fact that the disciples had some incredible experiences with Jesus leading them. Peter walked on water. Jesus took Peter, James and John up the mountain to spend time in prayer. It was there that these three disciples saw His miraculous transformation. Jesus’ appearance changed and his clothes became bright as a lightning flash. The disciples saw Jesus provide food for over five-thousand with just two fish and five loaves. Jesus turned the disciples bad fishing trip into a miraculous catch. The disciples also experienced times of difficulty and sacrifice. When Jesus occupies first place in your life sacrifice for His purposes is necessary. Sometimes this is hard. However, endurance is possible when you know that Jesus is with you through all the difficulty and eternity with Him is ultimate joy. My friends when Jesus occupies first place in your life you will be in for an experience like none other.

Each of us have the potential to lead a self absorbed life. We have to battle the inner desires that have the potential, if we follow them, to lead us away from a Christ centered life. Add to the inner desire a host of extra curricular activities with family, work, church, hobbies, and friends, it is very likely that you just might struggle with surrendering first place in your heart to the Lord Jesus. Yet the Bible calls us to a Christ-centered life. That is a life in which Jesus occupies first place. Take a few moments to refocus and ask Jesus to occupy first place in your life.



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