The Breaking Point

“Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am pining away; Heal me, O LORD, for my bones are dismayed.” Psalms 6:2 Have you ever come to a breaking point in your life? Perhaps, your moments of strength have given way to weakness, trial and difficulty. As a result, you find yourself at a breaking point. Everything in life seemed to be sailing along rather smoothly and then, out of nowhere, conflict, tragedy, sickness, or difficulty struck. In Psalm 6, David prays for God’s mercy because he reached his breaking point. He was pining away, bones were dismayed, soul was dismayed and needed rescued, and grief had engulfed him. As a result, he was in great need of God’s mercy. This may be reality for you. You need someone to step into your life and provide relief. David experienced relief and mercy from the Lord and so can we. I encourage you to read Psalm 6 and discover that our Lord Jesus provides healing for the troubled soul like no one else can. Doctors can work on the body. Psychologists can work on the mind. But, only the Lord Jesus can heal the soul. Secondly, you will discover our Lord works at just the right time. David wondered how long he would endure this suffering and difficulty. Yet, the scriptures tell us the Lord Jesus is always right on time. Thirdly, in those moments in our life when we need to experience mercy, we can trust our Lord will work in our situation according to His character. David asked the Lord to save him according to His lovingkindness. The Lord truly is abounding in lovingkindness, and from this character, He works mercifully in our lives. Finally, we can understand that the Lord gives assurance. David arrived at a very peaceful place in his life where he was convinced the Lord had heard his prayers. What a joy it is for the child of God in distress to come to a place of peace, realizing God has indeed heard his or her prayers. God Bless and have a great week! Pastor Kyle