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Being a Servant

Matthew 23:11, “But the greatest among you, shall be your servant.”

In the final chapter of Jesus life here on this earth He gathered His disciples together for their last supper. Jesus knew that His hour had come. He knew that He was about to depart from this world by way of the cross and the resurrection. During the supper He engaged in an amazing act of service. In John 13:1ff we read that Jesus got up from the supper and laid aside His garments. He then took a towel and girded Himself. He poured water in a basin and washed His disciples’ feet. Jesus engaged in behavior fitting for a slave. Many seek a life defined by power, affluence and significance. However, christians should order their life to leave a legacy of servitude. A servant has a master and is submissive to that master. Servants engage in great acts of service because they are obedient to the masters leadership. These great acts of service powerfully impact the world in which we live. Only Christians who consider themselves servants are in a proper relationship with Christ. Greatness is not achieved by pursuing a self-aggrandizing agenda. Rather, greatness is found by being a servant. Is there any task that you would consider below your “pay grade?” If so you might check your arrogance at the door and humble yourself before the Lord. Do you have a self-serving attitude or an attitude of servitude? Jesus said in Matthew 23:11-12, “But the greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” I hope you can find the rich and fulfilling life of a being a servant. May the world be impacted by Christ through servants like you. God Bless and have a great week!


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