Finishing Well...
I had the opportunity to run track at the collegiate level. The experience was both fun and challenging. My primary event was the 400 intermediate hurdles. Simply put, I ran one lap as hard as I could run and jumped ten hurdles in the process. The race was over in a very short amount of time. This is the antithesis of the Christian run. Many of us are living for a day that could be a bit more distant than my 400 intermediate hurdle finish line. In the book of Philippians, Paul mentions "the Day of Christ" three times in the first two chapters. Then in Philippians 3:20, he explained that "our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." The "Day of Christ" is our destination and our motivation. The Philippians were to live so that they were ready for the Day of Christ. Paul explained he was confident that "He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Today as you stand looking into the future, I want you to ponder these questions. "How can I finish well?" "How can I be assured that I will not run in vain?" "How can I be assured that my labor is not in vain?" Paul told the Philippians to hold fast to the Word of Life. Such wonderful encouragement for us today. Christian, hold fast to the Word of Life. This will assure that your running and laboring for Christ will not be in vain. Hold fast to the Word of Life and you will finish well.